Thursday, June 14, 2012

10 Ways to Promote a Healthy Workplace

By Andy Clement — posted 07/12/2011
Here are 10 helpful tips to promote a healthy workplace:
  1. Actively promote awareness with campaigns that educate employees about what they can personally do to reduce the spread of germs.
  2. Make "wash, wipe, and sanitize" a habit, and repeat it often so that employees get into a routine of doing all three in their work areas.
  3. Hit the hotspots with a clear focus on making employees aware of different germ hotspots in the workplace.
  4. Establish a protocol that cleaning service providers follow to more effectively clean common areas such as break rooms and conference rooms.
  5. Say it's OK to stay home when you're sick because it's better to be absent and prevent the spread to others in your workplace.
  6. Get everyone working together with “challenge” programs that energize employees and make them accountable for cleaner areas.
  7. Make it a family affair by reminding employees that it's not just about them—it’s about not carrying germs home to their families.
  8. Go beyond cleaning and sanitizing to establish healthy eating and wellness programs for employees that foster good health.
  9. Be clear about the benefits—we’re all happier and more productive when we're healthy and feeling good.
  10. Get senior leadership buy-in to your efforts so people at all levels are on board and the enthusiasm trickles down from the top.

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